Three Must Eat Breakfast Foods

Breakfast is an important part of the Isagenix system and not to be missed! 

So what do you have for breakfast if you’re on Isagenix?

The answer depends on your health goals and whether you’re starting a 30 day cleanse or you’re in maintenance mode.

During your first 30 days on an Isagenix system, we recommend replacing two meals with an IsaLean shake, and one of those meals being breakfast.

Once you move into maintenance mode, you may want to reduce to one IsaLean shake per day. 

For those that like to replace lunch or dinner with a shake and perfer a wholefoods breakfast, then this post is for you!

Either way, starting every day with a nutritious, high-protein meal is so important and here are 8 reasons why!

8 Reasons to Start Your Day with a High Protein Meal

  1. Improved concerntration and memory
  2. Greater control of hunger
  3. Normal blood sugar balance
  4. Muscle maintenance
  5. Improved energy expenditure
  6. Better sleep during weight loss
  7. Improved metabolism
  8. Improved nutritional status

So I’m going to show you how to get the protein, as well as some veggies and healthy fats for your soon-to-be favourite new “go-to” breakfasts.

Breakfast Food #1: Eggs

Yes, eggs are the “quintessential” breakfast food. And for good reason!

Egg whites are mostly protein while the yolks are the real nutritional powerhouses.  Those yolks contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats.

Eggs have been shown to help you feel full, keep you feeling fuller longer, and help to stabilize blood sugar and insulin.

Not to mention how easy it is to boil a bunch of eggs and keep them in the fridge for a “grab and go” breakfast when you’re running short on time.

And…nope the cholesterol in eggs is not associated with an increased risk of arterial or heart diseases.

One thing to consider is to try to prevent cooking the yolks at too high of a temperature because that can cause some of the cholesterol to become oxidized. It’s the oxidized cholesterol that’s heart healthy.

 Breakfast eggs

Breakfast Food #2: Nuts and/or Seeds

Nuts and seeds contain protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  Nuts and/or seeds would make a great contribution to breakfast.

Stay away from “candied” nuts, sweetened nut/seed butters, or chia “cereals” with added sugars – and stick with the real, whole, unsweetened food.

Nuts and seeds are also the ultimate fast food if you’re running late in the mornings.  Grab a small handful of almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds as you’re running out the door; you can nosh on them while you’re commuting.  

Breakfast Food #3: Veggies

Yes, you already know you really should get protein at every meal including breakfast; but this also applies to veggies. You know I would be remiss to not recommend veggies at every meal!

Veggies are a source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, fiber, and water. You can’t go wrong adding them into every single meal of the day so if you don’t already you should definitely try them for breakfast!  

And no, you don’t need to have a salad or roasted veggies for breakfast if you don’t want to but you totally can! You wouldn’t be breaking any “official” breakfast rules or anything like that.

Another healthy option is a daily dose of Isagenix Greens

Adding some protein to leftover veggies is a great combination for any meal. Including breakfast.

Try this delicious veggie omelette recipe (and customise) for your next breakfast. 

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Nature’s answer to balance the body.

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Isagenix Greens™

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Buy Retail £45.34 or Subscribe and Save £11.34

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